A contradiction? Possibly. Depending on one´s point of view and expectations. And there´s nothing wrong with that of course. I fully respect that for many people these two angles are not going together well. Personally, I need such „mixed“ and somehow „confronting“ moments. Such inter-linked situations of calmness on the one side and inhaling new impressions on the other side. That keeps my brain firing and generating new synopses. And more importantly, it makes me start dreaming and coming up with bold, brand-new thoughts. Thoughts beyond traditionally self-imposed limitations: True and inspiring visions! And where better to dream and to visionize than in the city that never sleeps?
According to Wikipedia, dreams are defined as „successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. That´s at least the more academic definition. Not exactely what I´m here referring to. The „dreams“ I´m pursuing whilst trying to do some elegant ice skating moves at the Trump – Wollman rink in Central Park, or whilst enjoying the breath-taking view from the 102nd floor of the Empire State building at night, or when admiring the beautifully decorated shop windows at Bergdorf Goodman on 5th Avenue, or when watching the splendid Mamma Mia musical on Broadway´s Winter Garden theater, or whilst inhaling the hype and vibrations at 5th Avenue´s huge Uniqlo store are very different. They´re much more like having visions. Yes, that´s it. Such special moments strongly resemble „a long-term view and concentration on the future. It can be emotive and it is a source of inspiration.“
And now as we are already again one week into January and as we have just bit farewell to another year, time has come when we are conditioned turning our thoughts towards making these (in-)famous new year´s resolutions: „I need to work out more this year, I need to quit smoking, I need to spend more time with friends, etc, etc.“ You certainly know all about it and about your own personal new year resolutions, don´t you? Such resolutions are mostly about what we should stop in the future or what we should start doing soon in order to get more effective and to become a „better“ person. Whatever that might mean. And that´s the reason I´m not such a big fan of the them.
What I´m saying is: Forget about making any resolutions. Don´t waste your energy and efforts on doing so. Instead you should immediately start developing your professional and personal vision for this magnificent new year. What is it you´d really love to achieve? What is it you´ve always wanted to do? What is it that would make you happy and would give you this unique feeling of fulfillment? Yes, open up your thinking horizon! C´mon, start dreaming! Now! Follow your desires and wishes, and think about how you would like to realize your hopes and wishes. That means, once you´ll have come up with your vision translate it into specific objectives. And only once you´ll have done that, think about concrete action steps to attain such goals. And at the very end, and not before that, you can develop a couple of new year´s resolutions... if you really think you can´t live and make it without them... which you can, you brave women and men out there!
So, let´s start the year in a pro-active, creative and outrageous thinking manner. Do do not kick it off by contemplating about what might be wrong and what you might need to stop doing in the future. Instead dare to be bold and dare to dream!
Best regards,
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