Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wedding Umayr


so, this is an album of umayr wedding...anyway, more pic on my fotopages...


anyway, before this, we've (mostly malaysian's) being thought that when children solat between adult in one soff, the soff will "putus", because children is not "suci" enough to solat with adult...but in the newest majalah i, the author write about this thing, about how the children will not play, and more khusyu' in their solat if they solat with their parent or siblings...

so, no more budak kecik kat belakang only, because, its better if the child solat in one soff as his/her parent...


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Review Buku: Pemburu

 Assalamu'alaykum ok, bersambung dengan siri Hero pula, karya Hilal Asyraf untuk post kali ini. Jika sebelum ini, kita melihat buku kary...