Thursday, December 01, 2005

something weird and beautiful...


hari ni, sangat2 indah, sangat2 best, sebab pagi tadi, rasa bengang jer, rasa tension, tertekan, and alhamdulillah, selepas something happen, semua kerunsingan hilang.....bestnyer...indahnyer hidup bawah naungan ILAHI...

anyway, ceritanyer bermula begini....pagi tadi, terbangun lambat, hampeh betul! then, kejar2 g pejabat, sekali dapat task baru, task yang sebelumnya tak siap lagi, tension gak, and after a while, rasa stress sangat2...kawan sepejabat pun dah tegur, "ko ni zak, asal moody jer pagi2 ni?", teruk betul, malu gak tadi...

then, lepas tu, ada ikhwah minta tolong, nak pinjam kereta, but the person who will drive, i never knew he could drive, so, i said to him "tak boleh pinjam kereta", because, thats not my car, but my fathers car, so, if anything happen, how i'll answer to my father? after that, he send a message, said like this and that...make me more stress...

and then, suddenly, one of ikhwah, call me, ask if i want to join him, meet a new ikhwah, came from kelantan, and i said, "okeh, bereh! a dok hal!" so, we went to aliff pulai utama, so have a lunch, actually, today i'mm fasting, but to celebrate a new ikhwah, i brake my fasting...haha...tak kesah ar..insyaALLAH, ada ganjaran dariNYA...and after a little talk, solat together, all my stress gone with the betullah macam of the advantage having an ikhwah sangat..and right now, i'm really energetic! haha, come zakri, lets play, and make some noise!! ho ho ho....

insyaALLAH, the bond of our "band of ikhwah" will never will last until hari qiamah, insyaALLAH...right? indahnya ukhuwah bersulam kefahaman....

-zakri begitu bertenaga!!-

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